The Skin Microbiome – Revealing Facts and Fallacies: The Top Takeaways

The Skin Microbiome – Revealing Facts and Fallacies: The Top Takeaways

In this blog, we will present the top takeaways from a Q & A discussion with the world leader in Skin Microbiome and discover why it is essential for the whole body’s health.

Molecular Biologist Nick Wallen and his wife, Linda Russell, led a profound and insightful discussion on the key to attaining incredible skin results.  

What is the Skin Microbiome?

In simple terms, the skin microbiome combines different strains of bacterial microbes (bacteria, yeast, fungi) living on the skin.  

Did you know we are only 40% human? It’s true – the remaining 60% of us are alien microbes that live in and on our body!  

While historically, we have been taught that bacteria are bad and to use anti-bacterial products to keep ourselves hyper-clean. The truth is that the bacteria in and on our bodies are vital and play a key role in our immune defence system. This delicately balanced microbiome needs to be nurtured and cherished.

As you know, the skin is the largest organ of the body, and as such, contains the most diverse range of microbes – even more than the gut.

Why is the Skin Microbiome Important?

Nick explains, there’s an allergy epidemic that is raging across the Western world. Just within the last 75 years, there has been a 500% increase in skin allergies?! 

Research shows that, on average, all people living in the developed world have a sub-optimal skin microbiome.  

Plus, we now know that all skin conditions, such as acne, eczema, psoriasis etc., are linked to a damaged skin microbiome – now this could be that the skin condition itself causes the damaged microbiome or the damaged microbiome causes the skin condition – whichever it is, may be irrelevant.  The fact remains that compared to Agrarian cultures, those of us in the Western world are exposed to something in the environment (toxins, food, skincare products) that is causing the microbiome of the skin and the gut to become impaired. If we can get to the root of the problem, then we are on the way to solving the allergy epidemic.  

Nick explained that the human body is a very complex and interlinked organism, and it is unlikely that there is just one single cause.

The gut and skin microbiomes are inextricably linked and part of a whole ecosystem.  New research has found that a damaged skin microbiome is a significant factor in developing food allergies.  An example Nick provided is that of a young eczema sufferer who comes into contact with a peanut, may go on to develop a peanut allergy.  The skin is exposed to the outside world’s ravages in a way the gut is not, so this makes sense.

What is a Healthy Skin Microbiome?

A damaged microbiome is a key indicator of overall health. It’s important to know that there is no evidence to suggest that one particular type of microbe is beneficial to the microbiome’s health.  Nick and Linda’s 2017 research paper demonstrated that the only accurate measure of skin health is biodiversity…this is key!  

So, what is biodiversity?  The definition of biodiversity is the number of different types of microbes on the skin.  

Linda refers to this quote by Professor Ted Dinan to highlight what biodiversity is:

“A good rule of thumb is a healthy microbiome is a diverse microbiome, containing a wide variety of different species living all over our bodies.”

What Can be Done in the Fight Against the Skin Allergy Epidemic?

Increasing the biodiversity of our skin microbiome could be as important as increasing our gut microbiome’s biodiversity.  When it comes to overall health, diet is vital, but so is skin maintenance.  Nick explains that these two ecosystems work in tandem to produce a more significant effect than the sum of their parts.  They are dependent on each other for optimal whole-body health.

So how do we go about strengthening the skin microbiome?  As Nick and Linda explain, we need to create an environment on the skin that allows biodiversity to flourish.  Using 100% natural skincare products is essential to nurturing the right environment – toxic chemicals promote sub-optimal skin and cause chronic inflammation throughout the body.

After facing severe skin allergies, herself, Linda along with Nick’s knowledge and experience, began their journey to creating JooMo.  

JooMo consists of a face cleanser and a body wash that boost and support the natural skin microbiome. 100% genuinely natural and preservative-free, JooMo is the only clinically proven product to enhance skin biodiversity.

Vital Plus is proud to be the only Australian distributor of these unique and outstanding products.  We also provide a JooMo face cleanser in a large salon size which can be used within your treatments.  The exciting and practical thing is JooMo can be used alongside any other skincare brand and boost results!

If you want to dig a little deeper into this fascinating and significant topic, sit back and enjoy the full video recording of Nick and Linda’s Skin Microbiome Q&A here: 

So, there you have it. The need to keep learning within our profession is vital to providing your clients with the skin they desire.

I hope this blog convinces you to delve further.

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Q: What is the skin microbiome?

A: The skin microbiome refers to the diverse community of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and viruses, that reside on the surface of our skin. It plays a crucial role in maintaining skin health and overall well-being.

Q: Why is the skin microbiome important?

A: The skin microbiome is essential because it acts as a protective barrier against harmful pathogens and environmental stressors. It helps maintain the skin’s pH balance, prevents the colonization of harmful bacteria, and supports the immune system, thus promoting healthy skin function.

Q: How does the skin microbiome impact skin health?

A: The balance of beneficial and harmful microorganisms in the skin microbiome greatly influences skin health. A well-balanced microbiome can prevent skin issues such as acne, eczema, and infections. Conversely, an imbalanced or disrupted microbiome can lead to various skin conditions and irritations.

Q: What factors can disrupt the skin microbiome?

A: Several factors can disrupt the balance of the skin microbiome. These include the use of harsh soaps and cleansers, excessive antibiotic use, over-exfoliation, environmental pollutants, and a poor diet. These factors can lead to a decrease in beneficial bacteria, allowing harmful bacteria to thrive.

Q:  How can I maintain a healthy skin microbiome?

A: To maintain a healthy skin microbiome, you can follow these tips:

  • Use gentle, pH-balanced skincare products that are free from harsh chemicals.
  • Avoid over-cleansing and over-exfoliating, as this can strip away beneficial bacteria.
  • Consider using probiotic skincare products that contain beneficial bacteria to support the microbiome.
  • Eat a balanced diet rich in nutrients to nourish both your skin and the microbiome.
  • Minimize the use of antibiotics unless prescribed by a healthcare professional, as they can disrupt the microbiome.

By taking care of your skin microbiome, you can promote radiant, healthy skin and reduce the risk of various skin issues.

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