How to Mould Your Dream Beauty Career

How to mould your dream beauty career

Are you a beauty professional asking yourself, what’s next in my career?  Perhaps you’re a beauty therapist and see yourself as a manager but have no idea how to get yourself there?  Sometimes it can feel like we are standing still in our career in the beauty industry, but understanding how to evolve and grow could take you to places you’d never even imagined.  

After a challenging 2021, the new year is full of promise.  Tamara Reid of Beaute Industrie is a wealth of experience and knowledge. She has journeyed from her early career as a beauty therapist to founding and directing her brainchild, Beaute Industrie.  This online support community for the professional beauty industry has become a fundamental part of the beauty professional’s arsenal. As Beaute Industrie so eloquently explains, it is a place for you to rediscover that your purpose, passion and career pathway has only just begun.

We were thrilled to welcome Tamara to host a Vital Plus Future Beauty Talk recently.  The Only Way Up was an inspiring, energising presentation in which Tamara outlined some key strategies to mould your dream beauty career.  We will summarise some of the key points in this blog and hope it inspires you to delve further.

Be the job before you ask for the job: What does your new career path look like?

Tamara highlighted how to expand your thinking and your horizons.  

Because it is possible to do the job that you desire. If you make it your mission to get from A to B, you can get there – it is just a case of structuring this process.  

The first question Tamara posed to get us thinking, was “If you could craft a dream day in your working life – what would that look like?” Perhaps you have a clear idea of what that looks like. Tamara advises taking a closer look at the practical aspects of that envisioned day—consider factors like travel requirements and early start times. Moreover, donning the virtual hat and immersing yourself in the role allows you to gain clarity on whether it aligns with your true aspirations.  

If it is, you can begin to explore what you need to do to make that happen.  Do you need to re-train?  Can you start putting the necessary skills into practice in your current day to day role? Delving into the specifics of that next step enables you to gain a comprehensive understanding of the role. By immersing yourself in its intricacies, you ensure that when you eventually take that leap, the outcome surpasses even the most impressive scenarios you had initially envisioned.

What if you don’t know what your dream career looks like yet?

Ikigai and your career

Have you heard of Ikigai?  This Japanese concept refers to giving a person a sense of purpose. It’s a combination of 4 things: 

  1. What you love doing:

Something that really makes your heart sing – maybe you love performing facials, or you might love selling or leading. 

  • What the world needs

Does the world need that particular service, an emotion, the work?  Compared to what it needed 2 years ago, what the world needs now is probably very different!

  • What Can you Be Paid For?

We still need to pay the bills, so can your service or skills be paid for?

  • What Are You Good At?

Sometimes the things we love are not necessarily the things we are good at.

When these four things overlap and come together, something inspiring happens.  We make discoveries…

When you know what you love and what the world needs, this is your MISSION.

Knowing what the world needs and what you can be paid for is your VOCATION.

When you find out what you can be paid for and what you’re good at, that’s your PROFESSION.

When you discover what you are good at and what you love, that is your PASSION.

As Tamara highlights, this exercise will align you and help you understand your purpose.  You might not figure out what your dream working day looks like straight away. It’s an evolutionary journey and can take time.

Your Career v Stress

Any job or career involves hard work.  But Tamara reminds us of something vital:

Working hard for something we don’t care about is called STRESS

Working hard for something we love is called PASSION

Ask yourself, what don’t you care about that is causing you stress right now? And what do you love that you need to dedicate more time to?  

Removing the things you don’t care about is the key to shaping your career into something that brings you joy.

Networking for Success

Tamara advises being around those who excel in qualities you seek, like success, vision, intelligence, or happiness. Aim to be the least knowledgeable person in the room without feeling inadequate.

Networking for career success

Networking is the single most important thing you can do because it’s often not about what you know but who you know. So knowing how to put yourself out there is vitally important if you want to sculpt out the right career path for yourself. Here are Tamara’s top tips:

  • Ask questions â€“ be truly curious, and it will create a memorable experience for all involved.  
  • Extend your curiosity: Even if you think the question is silly, ask it! You’ll be surprised at how many others want to ask the same question but are too nervous to!  It shows your willingness to put yourself out there.
  • Ask for Introductions.  This is the key to good networking and expanding your career.
  • Tell people what you want. Then, when you get the introduction you are after, be sure you ask for what you want.  Clarity is so important.
  • Do the job before you ask for the job.  Tamara highlights the need to put the groundwork into attaining the skills and experience you need to do your dream job before you ask for the job.  

In her insightful perspective, when others fully grasp how they can be of assistance, they are more likely to lend a helping hand. Nevertheless, it is imperative to be exceptionally clear about your objectives, and furthermore, to effectively demonstrate your skills, knowledge, and unwavering passion for achieving them. This clarity and demonstration are the linchpin to securing the assistance you genuinely desire.

Watch Tamara’s presentation to discover some examples of how you can best ask for introductions.

Make a Career Change for the Right Reasons

Before jumping into a new role, Tamara suggests you consider these 3 factors:

  • Does it align with your values?
  • Calculate the risks
  • Sit in what that move looks like

On occasion, the allure of change can be deceptive. Therefore, instead of hastily embracing a new career trajectory merely out of curiosity, ensure that you have a lucid picture of that role and whether it genuinely aligns with your current life stage.

Career Success isn’t linear

Tamara’s personal experience highlights that achieving your dream career is usually not linear. Instead, as she explains, sometimes you need to take one sidestep to move forward two steps.  

Most importantly, be purposeful with the steps you take; step to the side rather than step backwards. For example, you might take on a role with fewer perks and even less pay than your current role, but you can see how it will further your career by teaching you the skills you need to get you to your dream destination.  

This ensures you are still kicking goals and travelling your path.  But put a timeline on it so that you don’t get stuck and resentful.  This is your journey, and it is essential to be clear on your strategies and have your end goal in sight at all times.

Trust Your Gut when it comes to your career

Learning to be proactive rather than reactive and increasing your awareness are essential traits to have when moulding your dream career.  

Identifying the point at which you’ve veered off course and possessing the wisdom to admit, “this is no longer effective,” is of paramount importance in attaining clarity. It enables you to reevaluate what will truly benefit your career.

Success Practices to benefit your career

It takes only 7 seconds twice a day to practice these techniques, but they can help immensely focus your mind and discover what truly matters.

Tamara’s top tip is to do these two things each day:

AM: What does success look like today? 

Maybe it’s hitting that retail goal or having a difficult conversation with your team.  Rather than getting overwhelmed by all the things you need to do today, focus on one thing at a time.

PM: Three things that I am grateful for that happened today. 

Drill down to a granular level, focussing on specific things that happened today that you are grateful for, rather than sweeping generalisations.

These practices allow you to feel so much more fulfilled and define your purpose.  This is paramount to moulding your dream career in the long run.

Clarity and Career Moves

As Tamara says, “You cannot be what you cannot see.”

When it comes to moulding your dream career, you need to clearly draw out what you want.  We can’t pursue something that isn’t formulated in our minds.  Clarity is crucial, and Tamara’s inspiring tips, strategies and personal experience will help you take the next steps on your beauty career journey.

We are eternally grateful to Tamara Reid and Beaute Industrie for sharing these insights with us, and we highly recommend you watch the entire recording.  We are sure it will inspire and motivate you to make 2022 your best year yet!


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Q: What educational qualifications do I need to pursue a beauty career?

A: To pursue a beauty career, specific educational qualifications may vary depending on the specific field you choose. However, typically, a high school diploma or equivalent is the baseline requirement. In general, many aspiring beauty professionals choose vocational schools, beauty academies, or specialized training programs. These programs typically grant certifications or diplomas in specific fields like cosmetology, esthetics, makeup artistry, or hairstyling. Furthermore, it’s worth noting that specific regions, states, or countries might mandate obtaining a license or passing a licensing examination for the practice of particular beauty professions.

Q: How can I gain practical experience in the beauty industry?


Gaining practical experience is crucial in the beauty industry to enhance your skills and increase your chances of success. Here are a few ways you can gain hands-on experience:

a. Apprenticeships: Seek apprenticeship opportunities at reputable salons, spas, or beauty establishments. This allows you to learn directly from experienced professionals while gaining practical skills.

b. Internships: Apply for internships at beauty companies, cosmetic brands, or professional makeup studios. Internships provide valuable exposure to the industry and allow you to work alongside established beauty experts.

c. Volunteer work: Offer your services for free or at a reduced rate to gain experience and build your portfolio. You can volunteer for local fashion shows, charity events, or collaborate with photographers, models, and stylists.

d. Continued education: Enroll in advanced training programs, workshops, or seminars to stay updated with the latest trends and techniques in the beauty industry.

Q: What are some career options available in the beauty industry?

A: The beauty industry offers a wide range of career options to suit different interests and skill sets. Here are a few popular career paths:

a. Cosmetologist: As a cosmetologist, you can work in a salon or spa, offering services such as hair cutting, styling, coloring, and chemical treatments.

b. Esthetician: Estheticians specialize in skincare, providing services like facials, waxing, and various skin treatments.

c. Makeup Artist: Makeup artists work in various settings, including bridal makeup, fashion and editorial shoots, film and television, special effects makeup, and beauty consulting.

d. Nail Technician: Nail technicians provide manicures, pedicures, nail art, and other nail care services.

e. Beauty Educator: If you have a passion for teaching, you can become a beauty educator and train aspiring beauty professionals.

These are just a few examples, and the beauty industry offers many other career options such as salon management, beauty blogging, product development, and more.

Q: How can I build a strong professional network in the beauty industry?

A: Building a strong professional network is essential for success in the beauty industry. Here are a few tips to help you establish valuable connections:

a. Attend industry events: Participate in trade shows, beauty expos, conferences, and seminars to meet professionals from various sectors of the beauty industry. These events often provide networking opportunities.

b. Join professional organizations: Become a member of beauty associations, societies, or organizations relevant to your chosen field. These groups often host networking events, workshops, and provide resources to help you connect with like-minded professionals.

c. Utilize social media: Create a professional presence on platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter. Engage with other professionals, share your work, and connect with industry influencers.

d. Collaborate and assist: Offer to collaborate with fellow beauty professionals on projects, photoshoots, or events. Assisting established professionals can help you build relationships and gain exposure.

e. Stay in touch: Maintain regular contact with your mentors, colleagues, and industry contacts. Reach out, congratulate them on their successes, and stay updated on industry trends and opportunities.

Q: How can I stand out in the competitive beauty industry?

A: In a competitive beauty industry, setting yourself apart is crucial. Here are a few ways to stand out:

a. Specialize: Develop expertise in a specific niche or skill set within the beauty industry. By specializing, you can position yourself as an authority in that area, attracting clients and opportunities.

b. Continual learning: Stay updated with the latest trends, techniques, and technologies by attending workshops, training programs, and industry conferences. Continual learning demonstrates your commitment to excellence and helps you offer the best services to your clients.

c. Exceptional customer service: Provide excellent customer service to create a positive experience for your clients. Go the extra mile to ensure client satisfaction, and they are more likely to recommend your services to others.

d. Build a strong personal brand: Develop a unique personal brand that reflects your style, values, and expertise. Utilize social media and professional platforms to showcase your work and engage with your audience.

e. Network strategically: Focus on building quality relationships rather than just collecting contacts. Nurture your professional network by supporting and collaborating with others in the industry.

Remember, standing out requires dedication, consistent effort, and a genuine passion for the beauty industry.

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