Sequential Skin Masks

Why postbiotics and skincare are a perfect match

As a beauty professional, you understand just how important the skin microbiome is to healthy, radiant skin. The beauty trends of the past few years have placed much emphasis on pre and pro biotics as fundamental to a healthy microbiome. However, attention is turning more and more to the role of postbiotics in skincare. In this blog, we take a look at why postbiotics in skincare is so powerful. Plus, we introduce you to a new personalised product that we believe will change the face of skincare.

Before we delve into the world of postbiotics, it’s essential to understand the ins and outs of the skin microbiome clearly. So, let’s take a refresher!

The Skin Microbiome

As beauty therapists and salon owners, you know that human skin needs are complex, individual, and continuously evolving. At Vital Plus, we are incessantly following new research and ideas that are emerging worldwide on the skin microbiome. How does this complex organism of bacteria, fungi and viruses impact the health and look of the largest human organ – the skin?

Simply put, the microbiome is a group of microorganisms, namely bacteria, parasites and yeasts that inhabit a particular part of the body. 

The skin microbiome refers to the collection of organisms that live on our skin. Research has shown that the same factors that impact our gut health also impact our skin microbiome so protecting it is just as vital! Like the gut, the skin is home to trillions of organisms, all of which serve a purpose. When the balance of these organisms is altered, it can lead to all sorts of problems! Skin conditions from acne to eczema may result from changes to this delicate ecosystem, and it would seem our modern lifestyle is to blame. A healthy skin microbiome also means a strong skin barrier. The skin barrier protects us from injury, cold, heat, sun, wind, pathogens, bacteria and viruses. It is vital for normal skin functions.

We all have our unique set of DNA and a highly personalised microbiota. The latest technology and science has just started unveiling these aspects of our human biology, presenting the fascinating opportunity for individualised treatment, skincare and cosmetics; the diversity of your skin microbiome is the key.

The Role of Postbiotics on the Skin Microbiome

The skin is home to a delicate ecosystem of trillions of bacterial microbes. Although minuscule, these microbes have a massive impact on the skin’s health – both good and bad.

Science has shown that the healthiest skin microbiome is one that houses a naturally rich and diverse microbe population. This means we need many different species of microbes living on the skin for it to be healthy. In addition, the diversity of microbes can influence the skin’s ability to fight off pathogens and deal with the effects of air pollution. Conversely, if the skin microbiome is not diverse, we see a rise in inflammatory skin conditions, including acne, rosacea and psoriasis.

Research shows that postbiotics play a vital role in maintaining the diversity of the microbe population. So, what exactly are postbiotics?

pre, pro and post biotics

Postbiotics are the by-products of probiotics. We eat food, it ferments in the gut, and the result is postbiotics. Postbiotics are short-chain fatty acids – in fact, they are the very point of pre and probiotics! Considering the strong links between gut bacteria and skin bacteria, the potential for topical postbiotics is enormous!

While often thought of as a waste product, postbiotics have incredible health benefits. The process that leads to postbiotics is called fermentation. The breakdown of bacteria during fermentation releases all the nutrients inside the bacteria cell which makes it perfect for nourishing the skin. Some of the fabulous ingredients created during the fermentation process include short-chain fatty acids, peptides, amino acids and enzymes. 

Postbiotics have hydrating and anti-inflammatory properties and the ability to strengthen the skin barrier. This makes them an ideal ingredient in skincare. Evidence is now also highlighting the value of postbiotics in anti-ageing, which is incredibly exciting!

Meet Sequential Skin

At Vital Plus, we choose to distribute products that work holistically to bring balance and health to the skin. So, we were excited to learn about Sequential Skin, a culmination of expertise in molecular science, genetics and microbiome research that “empowers individuals to make better-informed decisions about their skin health.”

A group of award-winning scientists created The Sequential Skin test to understand the combined impact of a person’s individual DNA and their local environment on their skin. The test analyses the client’s genes alongside their personal skin microbiome to accurately determine what ingredients are needed to optimise skin health. It is a leap into the world of personalised skincare, which we believe is the future.

Sequential Skin has understood how vital a diverse skin microbiome is to healthy skin through the team’s research. As a result, they are launching 5 microbiome friendly masks this year.  All contain pre and post biotics to provide outstanding, long-term results.

Sequential Skin Masks

The Postbiotic Masks

The mask program is tailored to the client’s individual skin needs and involves using one mask/week for three months. The masks target five specific areas, using supportive ingredients and all nurture healthy skin:

  • Firmness – firms the skin and minimises open pores. Key ingredients include Peptides complex and Niacinamide.
  • Sensitivity – targets inflammation, redness and dehydration using Niacinamide and Panthenol.
  • Pigmentation – minimises pores and targets signs of ageing. Focus ingredients include Arbutin and Liquorice Root extract.
  • Antioxidant – targets dullness, uneven skin tone, fine lines and signs of ageing. Packed with Vitamins C and E.
  • Hydration – focuses on dehydration and skin repair with multi-ceramide and Hyaluronic Acid.

The masks have a gel-like aesthetic and mould to the contours of the face to ensure even application of the ingredients. Results have shown that microbiome diversity is increased, the skin barrier is strengthened, meaning less Trans-Epidermal Water Loss (TEWL) and skin conditions are improved.

The best news?  Vital Plus will be distributing these incredible masks here in Australia from the end of April!

Vital Plus and Postbiotics

Increased understanding of the skin microbiome shows that 99.9% of our skin microbiome is unique! Like our fingerprints, no one’s skin microbiome is the same. The one-size-fits-all principle isn’t working for effective skincare, so what does the future hold?

The current understanding of the skin microbiome tells us that the future of skincare is personalisation. New testing tools are being developed to help health and beauty professionals to customise their recommendations and prescriptions. However, we are all unique, and our skin is no different…

We are proud to provide products that align with the concept of supporting the natural skin microbiome. One of Vital Plus’s fundamental principles is selecting our skincare brands. They must nurture the skin microbiome and improve skin health. Here are some examples of the skincare ranges we distribute:

Our Skincare Ranges

JooMo â€“ A face cleanser and body wash that boost and support the natural skin microbiome. 100% genuinely natural and preservative-free. JooMo is clinically proven to enhance skin biodiversity.

GERnétic â€“ The process of fermentation used to create Gernetic products make them incredibly nurturing and healing to the skin microbiome and barrier function. Probiotic algae are used in GERnetic’s fermentation process, which harnesses all the benefits of postbiotic skincare.

Nimue â€“ Built on the principle of protecting and preserving the acid mantle. Nimue offers products that support the natural microbiome environment on the skin, such as the Prebiotic Superfluid (for salon treatment use only). It’s a powerful nutritional supplement for the beneficial bacteria on our skin and stimulates skin immunity. In addition, Nimue’s NEW purifying range contains postbiotics to combat problematic skin.

Sequential Skin – This burgeoning brand is an exciting step forward in the world of microbiome friendly skincare. We are excited to see how it takes off here in Australia.  

While understanding the skin microbiome is still evolving, and there is so much more to learn and discover, this field will be the key to personalised beauty and health solutions.

We urge you to stay on top of new trends in this arena and continue to take a holistic approach to beauty to constantly strive to give your clients the best.

What we apply to our skin dramatically affects the skin’s health, and with growing consumer awareness, we are heading towards a new era. 


Q: What are postbiotics, and how do they relate to skincare?

A: Postbiotics are bioactive compounds produced by probiotic bacteria during fermentation. They include beneficial metabolites, enzymes, peptides, and organic acids. In skincare, postbiotics offer various benefits such as strengthening the skin barrier, promoting collagen synthesis, and reducing inflammation. Unlike live probiotics, postbiotics do not require refrigeration and are stable in skincare formulations, making them an ideal ingredient for topical products.

Q: How do postbiotics improve skin health?

A: Postbiotics can enhance skin health through multiple mechanisms. They have antimicrobial properties that inhibit harmful bacteria, helping to balance the skin’s microbiome. By fortifying the skin barrier, postbiotics reduce moisture loss and protect the skin from external irritants. Additionally, they have anti-inflammatory effects, reducing redness and sensitivity, leading to a healthier and more radiant complexion.

Q: Can postbiotics benefit all skin types?

A: Yes, postbiotics can benefit all skin types. Whether you have dry, oily, sensitive, or combination skin, postbiotics can help restore balance and improve skin condition. Since postbiotics work by enhancing the skin’s natural processes, they do not introduce new ingredients that could potentially cause adverse reactions. However, as with any skincare product, it’s essential to patch-test new formulations to ensure compatibility with your skin.

Q: Are postbiotics safe to use in skincare products?

A: Yes, postbiotics are generally considered safe for use in skincare products. Unlike live probiotics, which might be unstable or cause adverse reactions in some individuals, postbiotics have a lower risk of causing irritation. They undergo a fermentation process that reduces potential allergenicity and ensures stability. However, it’s always advisable to check the full list of ingredients in a skincare product to confirm its suitability for your skin type and potential allergens.

Q: Can postbiotics replace traditional skincare ingredients?

A: Postbiotics complement traditional skincare ingredients but may not entirely replace them. They offer unique benefits for skin health, especially concerning the skin microbiome, inflammation, and barrier function. However, other skincare ingredients like hyaluronic acid, retinoids, and antioxidants play specific roles in addressing various skin concerns. Combining postbiotics with traditional skincare ingredients can create a more comprehensive and effective skincare regimen tailored to individual needs.

Contact the office and book your discovery session with our educators for more information on our ranges and their impact on the skin microbiome.

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