social media

Best social media practices for beauty professionals

Social Media – two words that either inspire you or fill you with dread! Let’s face it; we know it’s a key factor in engaging with potential clients and can impact our businesses’ growth, but how do we get it right? 

As a salon owner and beauty professional, your focus is likely on your salon’s day-to-day running and providing the best skincare solutions to your customers. Social media may be another thing on your long to-do list, you might not be much of a tech wizard, and you are probably time-poor!  So, how can you inject magic into your digital marketing strategy and get your social media to where it needs to be?

We had the pleasure of welcoming Vanessa Rossini of VKbranding in Mosman, Sydney, to pull apart some of the most pressing questions surrounding social media, primarily related to Facebook and Instagram. Vanessa specialises in working with beauty salons, based on a shared passion for skincare and beauty, and she has a wealth of experience in the digital media arena.

Here are some of the topics she focussed on:

⚡️ How do I advertise & promote my beauty salon on social media and attract customers?
✨ Improving salon sales
🌟 Strategies to create awesome salon content!

In this blog, I will overview Vanessa’s assiduous insights into this extremely important topic and hopefully inspire you to turn your social media game around!


Do you know that 93% of small businesses report struggling with social media; according to surveys, managing social media is a constant challenge for 9 out of 10 beauty salon businesses.

Because social media is constantly evolving, and new features are launched daily, finding what is relevant for your business can be complicated. How do you get noticed on Facebook and Instagram amongst millions of other users and constantly changing algorithms? It can seem overwhelming, but with a few tips and strategies, the social media world can be your oyster.

The skin and beauty business is booming, and you won’t be the only salon in your suburb. So how do you stand out from the crowd and entice potential customers to choose your salon over another? Read on to find out…


  • Be authentic

As you begin your social media journey, one of Vanessa’s top tips is always to be authentic. You need to show people what makes your salon unique to stand out from the crowd. Think about showcasing your morning routine, for example, how you set up your treatment room, provide your customers with a special tea, or use a unique technique during treatments. Telling YOUR story is key to helping your business flourish. Ascertain your point of difference – are you selling products that are holistic or support the skin microbiome? Tell your potential customers what makes your salon special.

  • Create a consistent visual style online

As a professional salon owner, you already have your logo and marketing collateral; essentially, you need to transfer that into your online presence. 

Vanessa advises you to choose 3 main colours and 2 font styles so that your social media pages are consistent. Then think about the “look” of your salon – is it minimalist or luxurious, for example? Finally, take that style and re-create it online.

Not a visual designer? You seriously don’t need to be! Vanessa and all of us at Vital Plus love using Canva Pro to design and create beautiful images for our social media content. You can upload your logo, colour palette and fonts to Canva, making your ability to maintain consistency super easy. We highly recommend giving Canva a try:

  • Share your Testimonials and Before & After Photos

Word of mouth is an incredible tool for business growth, as you know! Encouraging your customers to leave you a testimonial on Google or their social media and tagging you is a great way to attract new clientele.  
Showcasing images of incredible skin results on your social media pages is also vital. Some clients may not want to have their photo taken for all to see – this is understandable, so Vanessa urges you to ask permission to take photos of an area of skin rather than their whole face. Before & Afters are powerful ways to draw attention to your salon and set you apart from the crowd.

  • Share content on your Social Media consistently

Consistency = more engagement, traffic, and people seeing your content.

Before we get into the nitty gritty, what exactly defines “content”? Content can be posts on your feed, video, reels and stories. Ideally, you want a mixture of these to appeal to the Insta and FB algorithms. They are all important. Stories are only 15-30 seconds long and are gone in 24 hours. Reels on Insta are far-reaching and can be seen worldwide – while that’s great, you want to find ways to ensure your content reaches your target audience (within your local area, for example).

Vanessa suggests aiming to post content 3 times a week – maybe Monday, Wednesday & Friday, for example. So, working on this idea, you would need 12 pieces of content per month. Luckily for us, we don’t need to post things manually; instead, we can schedule everything to post on specific days. So, once a month, you could block out 2-3 hours to work on your 12 pieces of content and schedule them in. Vanessa’s choice of scheduling app is Later and there are many others on the market.


  • Ensure you have a shopfront on FB and Insta.

Did you know that you can create a shopfront if you have a Business FB and Insta account linked? This means any content tagged to a retail product you sell can be bought by customers immediately.  

Remember, most people will find you via social media, not your website, so making it extra easy to buy from you and book appointments via your FB and Insta will incentivise your clients.

  • Be sure to tag all retail products in your posts/Stories/Reels

This way, you know customers can easily purchase any of the products you feature in your content. Tagging can be done on all your posts, reels and Stories!

  • Encourage customers to prepay for services

This is essential to keep your income steadier. Offering incentives to book and prepay for courses of treatments is vital. An example could be ‘if you book 4 sessions, you get the fifth half price’.

  • Create seasonal campaigns and offer an incentive

Christmas is fast approaching – be sure to have festive offers (Vital Plus has many for you to pass on to your clients!) and let your online presence reflect the season. Don’t forget Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Summer – so many opportunities to promote yourself even more!

  • Offer gift vouchers around seasonal times of the year.

And all the time – gift vouchers are the perfect chance for your clients to introduce their loved ones to your salon. Make them easily accessible via your mini shopfront on FB and Insta!


So, you know what you’re meant to do, but how do you do it? It can seem very overwhelming to think about creating posts, reels and stories when you’ve never done it before. Try not to overthink it! If you have a phone, you are ready to go!  

  • Take photos and videos every chance you get

Even if you think it irrelevant, take photos and videos at every opportunity:- setting up your treatment room, staff outings, what you’re eating, and the Salon and Team. Social media is you telling your story – keep it real and authentic, and you are halfway there! Vanessa’s top tip is, if you can, purchase an iPhone just for salon use. That way, all your team can get involved, and you can fill up the phone with salon content. If that’s not possible, create a “shared album” in your photos so that all your team can upload any content they create!

  • Ask permission or have disclaimers when taking before & after photos

Ensure you get your client’s permission before sharing any photos on social media. Even if you only take a photo of a portion of the skin, you must seek permission. 

  • Share User Generated Content

When your clients tag you on their social media page, it’s like gold dust for you! Nothing is better than people giving a positive shout-out to your salon for drawing in new clients. Encourage your clients to take photos after their treatment and tag you on their SM. You could have stickers or business cards to hand out with your social handle (ours is @vitalplusaus) and ask them to tag you with it!

  • Topic ideas for content creation

Vanessa gave us some of her professional topic ideas that you could use in your content creation – Your morning routine, A Day in the Life of a Therapist, Top products for acne/pigmentation/ageing etc. How to get your skin glowing for Xmas. Remain in your authentic place, and the content will be received positively!

  • Hashtags

Choose hashtags that are not so broad that your posts won’t get seen. Hashtags are a way for you to target your desired audience. Hashtags such as #sydneyskinsalon might reach more of your target audience than #skincaresalon, for example. Use your location on Insta and FB too, so that people in your local area see your posts. Vanessa’s go-to website for hashtag analysis and creation is Flick  and, also, Later incorporates hashtag creation in their social media management tool. 

  • Remain Engaged! 

    Be sure to engage with your followers – reply to Direct messages and comments. It goes a long way to show you are there and want to connect with potential clients.


Vanessa is full of tips, insights and motivation. We are lucky enough to have her on board with us at Vital Plus, helping us to get our own Social Media presence on track. Vanessa has created her Social Bible, gathering all her knowledge and experience into what is, ultimately, a concise guidebook to maximising your social media presence.

The Social Bible will show you the following:

  • How to brand yourself
  • How to find your audience online (and get more clients!)
  • Content Creation Tips
  • Engagement Tips
  • How to track your efforts
  • Creating new opportunities
  • Understanding your industry

Until the 30th of November 2022, Vanessa is offering YOU 30% off this fantastic social media tool. Just go to her website: VKBRANDING, and use code VITAL30 at check-out.

The beauty industry is full to a bursting point. More than ever, it is clear that if you want to stand out from the crowd and grow your business, your Social Media presence must be your priority.

Watch the full recording of Vanessa’s talk to get even more social media tips here:

VITAL PLUS â€“ THE Professional Skincare Distributor

Our fundamental beliefs are that skincare products must take a holistic approach, empowering the skin’s health.  It is on these merits and philosophy that we select our range of skincare. We do not seek to supply professional beauty salons with short-term results but results sustained and enjoyed through the years.

We love sharing our passion for the beauty industry with our clients and love seeing them succeed. And when you’re struggling or feel challenged, we are ready to help you up and propel you towards solutions, ideas, and motivation. That’s what inspires us.

Supporting you in running a successful, professional beauty business is our purpose.

1300 437 638 – Join our community of inspired and educated skincare professionals. Xx


Q: How can beauty professionals effectively use social media to boost their sales?

A: Using social media to enhance sales requires a strategic approach. Here are some best practices:

Identify Your Target Audience: Understand your ideal customers and create content that resonates with them. Tailor your posts to address their specific needs and preferences.

Consistency is Key: Post regularly and maintain a consistent brand image. Establish a posting schedule that keeps your audience engaged and informed.

Engage and Interact: Respond to comments, direct messages, and inquiries promptly. Engaging with your audience fosters trust and builds a loyal following.

Visual Appeal Matters: Beauty is a visual industry, so prioritize high-quality images and videos. Showcase your work, products, and services in an appealing and professional manner.

Utilize Influencer Marketing: Partner with influencers in the beauty industry to expand your reach and credibility. Collaborating with relevant influencers can help introduce your brand to a wider audience.

Q: What are some effective ways to create engaging content on social media?

A: Engaging content is crucial to keep your audience interested and encourage interaction. Here are some ideas:

Tutorials and How-Tos: Share step-by-step tutorials showcasing makeup techniques, hair styling tips, or skincare routines. Educational content is highly valuable and shareable.

Before and After Transformations: Display dramatic transformations to demonstrate the effectiveness of your services or products. These can be inspiring and captivating for your audience.

User-Generated Content: Encourage your customers to share their experiences with your brand. Reposting user-generated content fosters a sense of community and authenticity.

Polls and Quizzes: Interactive content like polls and quizzes can be fun and engaging. It allows your followers to participate actively and provides valuable insights for your business.

Limited-Time Offers: Create a sense of urgency by promoting limited-time offers and discounts. Scarcity can drive sales and prompt immediate action from your audience.

Q: How can beauty professionals build a strong personal brand on social media?

A: Building a personal brand on social media can elevate your credibility and attract a loyal following:

Authenticity is Key: Be genuine and true to yourself. Share your passion for the beauty industry and let your personality shine through your content.

Consistent Branding: Use the same username, profile photo, and color scheme across all platforms to maintain a consistent and recognizable brand image.

Share Your Expertise: Provide valuable tips, insights, and industry knowledge. Position yourself as an authority in your niche by sharing your expertise generously.

Tell Your Story: Share your journey as a beauty professional. Highlight your achievements, challenges, and experiences to connect with your audience on a personal level.

Engage with Followers: Respond to comments, messages, and mentions promptly. Show appreciation for your followers’ support and engagement.

Q: How can beauty professionals leverage social media algorithms to maximize their reach?

A: Understanding social media algorithms can significantly impact your content’s visibility. Here’s how to leverage them:

Consistent Posting Schedule: Regularly posting quality content signals the algorithm that you are an active and valuable account, increasing the likelihood of your content being shown.

Engagement Matters: The more engagement your posts receive (likes, comments, shares), the higher they’ll rank in the algorithm. Encourage interactions and respond to comments to boost engagement.

Use Relevant Keywords and Hashtags: Incorporate relevant keywords and trending hashtags to make your content more discoverable to users interested in beauty topics.

Leverage Stories and Live Videos: Social media platforms often prioritize Stories and Live videos. Utilize these features to connect with your audience in real-time and gain visibility.

Share Native Content: Each platform favors native content (content created specifically for that platform). Create content that aligns with each platform’s unique features and guidelines.

Q: What are some effective sales strategies for beauty professionals on social media?


To drive sales, beauty professionals can employ several effective strategies:

Limited-Time Offers and Promotions: Create exclusive, time-sensitive offers to create a sense of urgency and entice customers to make purchases.

Influencer Collaborations: Partner with influencers to promote your products or services. Influencers can reach a broader audience and generate trust among their followers.

Customer Testimonials and Reviews: Share positive reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers. Authentic feedback can boost confidence and encourage others to try your offerings.

Offering Value-Added Content: Share valuable content related to your products or services, such as skincare tips or makeup hacks. This positions you as an expert and encourages trust in your brand.

Customer Loyalty Programs: Implement loyalty programs to reward repeat customers and encourage brand loyalty. Offering exclusive discounts or special perks can incentivize repeat purchases.

By following these best practices and strategies, beauty professionals can effectively navigate social media platforms, increase their brand visibility, engage with their audience, and drive sales.

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